Emre Tekoglu- Transforming Customer Support: From Churn to Award-Winning Excellence

Meet Emre Tekoglu, the Vice President of Customer Support at Zywave, driving empowerment in the support department through adept tool utilization and processes for confident customer issue resolution. By fostering career advancement, he aims to elevate Support into a coveted career destination. Embracing accountability and individualism, Emre cultivates innovation while leveraging top-notch technology for expert assistance at Zywave.


Check out this video featuring Emre Tekoglu our upcoming speaker for November's Leadership Summit, where he discusses transforming the perception of a customer support department by creating a slogan that promotes innovation and positive customer experiences. This video offers a sneak peek into the compelling insights Emre will be sharing on stage in Oakland.


Emre Tekoglu:

I wanted to create a slogan of a destination department. So one part of that destination department, as customer support might have, is a tough perception. There's a high churn, and it's not the most beloved department. So I wanted to change that. So our salespeople, marketing people could talk to our prospects. 'Hey, Customer experience is important, and you're going to deal with a workman in the customer support department.

I have been in the customer support space for 20 plus years, and what I like about this space is that we get to innovate actually a lot because our customers call in and they tell us what they need help with, which opens the doors for root cause analysis, establishing relationships with customers, and process improvement. So I feel like this is a department where we could do a lot of things.

I looked at the companies who have won awards, that led me to pick the Stevie Awards. So I want to share those results and learning experiences with others, how they could go about the same journey and do the smart thing, learn lessons from others, and how they go about it.

As I take on new projects right now I, the way I think about it, can this make headlines in a good way? Can we win awards if you do this? will this impact my bottom line? Can I put this proudly on my resume? Can I put this proudly on my application?

So I changed it with the slogan: 'We can be a destination department, we can be a place where people come, stay, and want to do more jobs here.' To do that, I felt like, why don't we become an award-winning customer support department? It's something people could get behind. My recommendation is it's okay if you don't go for it, if you don't win it, but the actual experience will help you to become better."

Check out this video now featuring Emre Tekoglu our upcoming speaker for November's Leadership Summit. Be sure to watch and get a taste of what's to come!


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